Tan Tanaka papers, 1967–2003.
Photographs of buildings and gardens, as well as field notes, taken by Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University Tan Tanaka (1946–2012) during his research activities on the history of Chinese architecture and landscape gardening. These materials are a record of his research from the period when he was involved in the survey and repair of buildings as an official of the Cultural Properties Protection Department of the Agency for Cultural Affairs, between 1971 and 1974, until 2003 when he was at the Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University. The papers consist mainly of records during visits to mainland China for research and being a member of academic visits, from 1970s to 1990s. In addition, records created in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, Europe, etc. and records in 1960s, when he was a student, are also included.
- Date
1967–2003 - Extent
Approximately 30,000 positive films, 16,500 negatives, 17 albums, 4,000 paper prints, 31 notes - Name of Creator(s)
Tan Tanaka, 1946–2012 - Existence and Location of Copies
30,449 metadata records - Archivist and Date