Fujiwara (Motonori) Papers: Research Notebook on Allithiamine and Related Materials, 1950−ca.1998.
Beriberi, which was even regarded as a national affliction, had not been eradicated for long in spite of the cause of it was identified as lack of vitamin B1, because of its cost and low absorptivity. Motonori Fujiwara discovered that allithiamine, which is a chemical compound of allicin and vitamin B1, decompose into vitamin B1 in the body and is absorbed steadily. This collection consists of Fujiwara’s hand-written notebook of research about allithiamine, and various materials about him.
- Date
1950–1952, 1955–1998 - Extent
One research notebook, 101 materials - Name of Creator(s)
Motonori Fujiwara (offered by Graduated School of Medicine, Kyoto University; hosted by the Kyoto University Museum) - Existence and Location of Copies
151 metadata records - Archivist and Date