A Documentary Film of The Great Kanto Earthquake 1923 : A 35mm Film of Department of Architecture, Kyoto Imperial University.
Although there are many duplicated films of the Great Kanto Earthquake, this film is outstandingly clear and distinct. It shows a situation of the center of Tokyo just after the earthquake. It is vividly recorded that houses were in smoke and fire, people thronged to an open square, people carried household goods out and escaped, and even a shower of sparks fell over them. It also contains the scene of the blasting operation of Asakusa Ryouunkaku, a 12-story tower which was damaged by the earthquake.
- [Name of Creator(s)] Osaka Mainichi Newspaper; Department of Architecture, Kyoto Imperial University; Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
- [Date] September 1, 1923
- [Archivist and Date] 2014
- [Extent] One 35mm format film
- [Existence and Location of Copies] 4 metadata records
- [Conditions of Access and Use] Please ask permission of Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering for secondary use.
- [Finding Aid (Peek)] https://peek.rra.museum.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ark:/62587/ar60934.60934?ln=en