Lectures by Mikio Sato: Lecture notes and Sound recordings, 1984-1986.

Professor emeritus Mikio Sato is a world-renowned mathematician known for establishing the field of algebraic analysis and received the Asahi Prize, the Japan Academy Prize, the Fujihara Award, the Rolf Schock Prize, and the Wolf Prize. He found that moduli of soliton equations form an infinite dimensional Grassmann manifold and lectured the theory at Kyoto University in 1984-1986. Although the lecture note was already published as one of the lecture notes of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, this collection consists of sound and written direct recordings of the lecture. This lecture was an excellent one that inspired many young mathematicians and led to the later development of the theory. The recordings include various topics not included in the published lecture note with his own voice. This means that these are first-class materials with historical value.

  • Date
    1984 - 1986
  • Extent
    20 volumes of notes, 28 tapes and others
  • Name of Creator(s)
    Sato, Mikio; [Scribe]Umeda, Tooru, [Recordist]Matsumoto, Shigeki
  • Conditions of Access and Use
    This collection is open for research. Using the materials for business/commercial purposes is prohibited. Unauthorized copying and re-distributing in altered electronic forms are also prohibited.
  • Existence and Location of Copies
    60 metadata records
  • Archivist and Date